Monday, March 9, 2009

History: Great American Pastimes

Today while we were reading an excerpt from Don't Know Much About American History by Kenneth C. Davis, we came upon a really interesting section entitled "Great American Pastimes".

["Which of the following might you have played as a colonial kid?"
a) basketball
b) hopscotch
c) Frisbee
d) miniature golf

The answer is letter b. There wasn't much time to play in colonial days, but kids squeezed in games of tag, blindman's bluff, London bridge, hopscotch (then called scotch hopping), or hide and seek.

"If you were very lucky, you might have a spinning top, cornhusk, or rag doll, or a set of checkers (called checks), dominoes, jacks,marbles, or cards."]

Jonathan cracked me up. He said, "Since checkers were called 'checks', were marbles called 'marbs'?"

hahaha... I didn't laugh out loud although it was VERY. HARD.!

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