Thursday, December 8, 2011

Memorization: The Presidents

Note: We made the cute hat & powdered wigs yesterday to celebrate finally learning the Presidents. Link credit at the bottom of the post where I got the craft ideas.

Ideas for celebrating the Presidents:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Fun Project: An Edible Lincoln's Log Cabin

The boys have been learning the Presidents in order, and we have been reading about them in Eyewitness: Presidents .  So, just for the fun of it, we built an edible graham cracker & pretzel cabin.  We called it "Lincon's Log Cabin" (in winter, of course).

Now I need to clean up the mess!

Credits to websites and books I used for the ideas, recipes, & patterns:
Got the idea from:
Found something better at the library: No-Bake Gingerbread Houses for Kids

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Field Trip: Lawrence County Museum of History

The boys have been doing really well with their school work , so I rewarded them with a little field trip Wednesday, October 19th.  We went to the Lawrence County Museum of History.
It was a cool, drizzly day, but that didn't diminish the fun.   We had a wonderful day.
The last two are from when I took them to McDonald's after our visit to the museum to get ice cream and mochas. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Scripture Memory: I Corinthians 13

Here they are reciting I Corinthians 13. They needed a little help, but they've got it. I love their silly actions.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Missionary Biographies, Subject Integration, and Inspiring a Love for Learning!

One of the most favorite parts of our morning is taking the time to read part of some type of missionary biography.  We enjoy this so much, and usually the boys beg for me to continue reading.  Most of the time, I even have a hard time wanting to stop! 

In my opinion, to read from missionary biographies is one of the best ways to achieve a type of educational integration.  By "educational integration", I mean that children learn more than just one subject while they are hearing the book being read.   For example,* The Peace Child by Don Richardson includes some very complicated words.  It is very beneficial for a child to hear new vocabulary words being used naturally in sentence form.  It helps them to understand what the words mean in a natural way.   Here is an example of a sentence from The Peace Child:
 "And since the Sawi were fully convinced that persons officially declared to be in aumamay were already dead, they had no compunction about interring them in gravehouses either."  The words "inter" and "compunction" are not words a child under the age of 11 usually uses in conversation, so by reading them in a natural way, children learn what they mean.   A lot of times when I come to a sentence like that, I ask the boys, "What did that mean?"
  Usually they can tell me even if they were not previously familiar with the words.  Their understanding is due to hearing the words used naturally in the sentence.

 If the words are still not understood, I usually take the time to look them up in my electronic dictionary (on my Kindle).  Researching helps when the meanings are not so obvious.

Another benefit of reading missionary biographies is that children learn about other cultures.  We have a world map on the wall of our den.  As we read the biographies, we point out the location of the setting of the book on the map.  We are also learning a lot of things about the particular culture in which the missionary is living.  Again, this is a natural way that is much easier to remember than mere rote memorization.  Children seem to absorb the things that are interesting much more easily than "boring" facts.    I am not saying rote memorization is not beneficial (we use rote memorization to learn a lot of things).  What I am saying is that it is much easier for children imbibe the things that are exciting to them. 

Last but not least, missionary biographies are testimonies to the grace of God in the lives of lost people groups.  Most of the books give examples of occurrences of actual miracles. This is another way for our children to hear testimonies that give honor and glory to our Heavenly Father.
I highly recommend reading missionary biographies and/or other books that help children to learn new vocabulary words, geography, cultural & multi-ethnic studies, history, science,  and most of all a love for learning these things!

*Disclaimer:  Most of what I read, I edit as I read .  The Peace Child is a very good book, but I did have to heavily edit it as I read because some of the content was very violent.  This book is about cannibals and the author was very descriptive. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Tabernacle

While reading The Bible Story books, we have been reading about the life of Moses and the Israelites' journeys through the wilderness, the building of the Tabernacle, and the Ten Commandments. We also watched a short documentary about the Tabernacle that was very helpful.

When I was in the fifth grade at BMCS, Miss Stetler had us build a small model of the Tabernacle.   It was a great idea, and I can still name the "pieces" from the Tabernacle today.

Guess what we decided to do?  After several hours over a period of about 3 weeks (here and there)  of cutting cardboard, gluing popsickle sticks, molding salt dough, and painting with gold and glitter, we have our very own model.  So, what's my purpose for doing this? Making memories!  And well... it counts as art, it is fun, and I hope this will help them remember the facts as well.

Please forgive the random order of the pictures. I had a really hard time getting these pictures uploaded, and I just don't have time to rearrange them.   The pieces turned out much larger than we intended -and because of space- I just outlined the Tabernacle and tents on brown craft paper.

The order should be: 1.  The Brasen Altar 2.  The Laver 3. The Golden Candlestick 4. The Table of Shewbread 5. The Altar of Incense 6. The Ark of the Covenant (included inside the Ark are the Ten Commandments, A pot of manna, & Aaron's rod).

The Golden Candlestick 

The Altar of Incense (see the smoke?)

The Brazen Altar

The Laver

The Table of Shewbread (see the loaf of bread on top?)

Inside the Holy Place

The Ten Commandments, The Pot of Manna, & Aaron's rod (see the green buds on it?)

The Ark of the Covenant (inside the Most Holy Place) with its items lying beside it.

Here it is in the actual order in which the items were placed.

I still need to even out the handles for the pieces that would have been carried.  I ran out of the long popsickle sticks and had to use what I had (which were ones that I had already cut).    

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer update

We are in the middle of the "dog days" of summer.  It's very hot outside.  In fact, it is so hot that the Real-feel temperature is 122 degrees! 

During the summer, we have continued with education in a more non-demanding way.  In other words, if friends want to get together and do something in the middle of the day, we do not let our scheduled studies get in the way.  Life IS education, and part of educating our children is living life!

I attended a Christian home-school conference on our last trip to visit family in Alabama.  It was a last minute blessing in which I was very thankful!
I was able to spend the day with my  friend Lisa and a new friend named Shannon.  It was so nice to have a "girls' day out" listening to speakers,visiting vendor booths, and basically feeling refreshed.

One of the vendor booths we visited was for Rod & Staff Mennonite curriculum.  I was already seriously considering changing our Math curriculum from ABeka, and after seeing Rod and Staff's simplicity, I was hooked.   I purchased Justin and Jonathan's math books on the spot.  The story problems are very natural.  The pictures are simple and lovely (I absolutely love the way the people are dressed).   Biblical measures such as handbreath, fathom, & furlong are also taught.   I am very pleased with these books!

I was also able to purchase another book from the Mennonites about manners & good habits.  The boys have enjoyed going through this together.

For English we have been using a higher level complete English/Grammar book.  We have worked on it as a unit (whole family).   It teaches basic English in a fun, non-stressful way.  The boys have enjoyed this style.  I have been having them write paragraphs in their own notebook, learning how to create and revise.  It has been exciting to see their writing skills and creativity grow.

Other things we are doing this summer:

~Continuing to make the Bible our main source of education
~Creating a model of The O.T. Tabernacle out of Legos
~Reading The Peace Child by Don Richardson (with me heavily editing as I read).  This is a missionary book about cannibals in New Guinea. 
~Learning the Presidents in order

On Mondays:
~Window on the World - Reading about a nation, finding it on the map, and praying for the people
~Usborne Children's Encyclopedia - Science facts
~The Presidents: reading about each President
~Church history (Robert Morgan's book)

Random things we do occasionally as we have time:
~Character Sketches - Animal Character lessons
~Voice of the Martyrs magazine - praying for the persecuted church
~I also bought a kit from Voice of the Martyrs to make parachutes to send Bibles into Colombia.  We are still working on it.

Some of these things we have done, but need to make a point to do more often:
~Bless the widows and single moms in our church with a card, small gift, or occasionally visit
~Visit the nursing home

Monday, May 9, 2011

Scripture Memory Video: Matthew 5:1-16

Matthew 5:1-16

Ryan is so funny........he loves to watch himself do something silly in these videos.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Indiana State History: day 2

Abraham Lincoln lived in Indiana for 14 years (age 7 to age 21). 

*Note:  All italics are quotes from the book Singing Indiana History by Martha Chrisman Riley.

"Honest Abe.  He earned that name in Indiana, and it followed him throughout his life.  Abraham Lincoln stood for honesty, plain talk, story telling, and democracy.  On the Indiana soil Abe grew to be a man.  Indiana nurtured Abraham Lincoln."

Lincoln once said that his mother's favorite ballad was "Barbara Allen'.  If so, he must have heard it often as a child:

One of Abraham Lincoln's favorite songs was "Blue-Tail Fly" also known as "Jimmy Crack Corn." He called it that "buzzing song", and even played the tune on his harmonica.

Abraham Lincoln's mother read the Bible daily to her family and encouraged her children to read it as well. She also sang hymns and spiritual songs. One of her favorite hymns was "Wayfaring Stranger". This is a folk hymn. It was not composed for a hymn book, but rather originated in the souther Appalacian mountains and was passed on by oral tradition.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Field Trip: Indiana State Museum

We recently visited the Indiana State Museum for a field trip.  Photographs were prohibited in several of the display areas, so I didn't get very many pictures.  We also saw the Imax production of "Sea Rex: 3D" which was filled with a bunch of false evolutionary claims (which we ignored and just viewed it for entertainment and worldview discussion afterward). 

Indiana History, day 1

We are studying Indiana history!  My plan is to do an intensive unit study about Indiana history.  I am not sure how long it will last, but the reason for the intensity is because because I am using library books. 

The books we are using are the following:

Singing Indiana History by Martha Chrisman Riley, Seeds of a Nation: Indiana by P.M. Boekhoff and Stuart A. Kallen, Carole Marsh's Indiana Timeline, Indiana History, and Indiana Jeapordy

I am trying to use Youtube to look up any songs that might be mentioned in the Singing Indiana History book. I am not one to think the music part is just something that should be required, but I do think it is fun.  Perhaps it will help the boys remember a little bit about Indiana history.

 "Ah Si mon moine voilait danser!"

This song is said to have been performed by the French fur traders while paddling their canoes:

Women in old Fort Vincennes sang the song "Alouette" as they prepared chickens for cooking.  "Alouette" means "little lark: and the words are about plucking the bird's feathers from the various parts of its body. :-)

Military music was also heard in Indiana's French forts.
"Rigaudon" by Boismortier in 1730:

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spelling Fun (and some variety)

I found a very fun book at the thrift-store recently (for a quarter!).  It is called 101 Ways to Avoid Spelling Traps by Linda Aber.  After looking through the book, I felt that it would be a fun temporary change to our usual means of doing spelling each day. 
Usually the boys type their words onto a saved Word document on the computer.  I feel that this gives them computer typing skill practice and spelling and vocabulary practice all at the same time.

However, a little variety is always welcome.   We plan to do a chapter together each morning.

One of the games from the book is to do a "word-in-a-word puzzle".  The boys enjoyed this very much!

Words are Wonderful Things _ Poetry Video

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Justin researching

Justin doing research for his upcoming report about rocks (one of his favorite topics). 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Maple Sugar Farm

Pictures of our trip to a local farm.  We helped collect the sap water from the tapped trees and enjoyed watching the boiling process inside the sugar shack.

Answers Magazine

A quote we read from Answers in Genesis magazine today :

"Although there is tremendous physical evidence of a global flood, ultimately, it is a matter of trust in a perfect God who created everything(Genesis1:1), knows everything (Colossians 2:3), has always been there (Revelation 22:13), and cannot lie (Titus 1:2).  The only alternative is to trust imperfect fallible human beings who can only speculate on the past."

Love it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Book list June 2009-Dec 2010

A record of

Book list June 2009- November 2010.  I kept this record in a spreadsheet and then copied and pasted here on my blog (just in case of fire or if it were to be lost).

Item or Unit study; Field trips, books, resources Notes: Subject/ study Web-sites used, projects completed, other resources used

King James Bible Bible memory Bible Proverbs 16:6, Prov. 19:23,Prov.22:4, Prov 23:17,Prov 24:21, Prov.28:14, Proverbs 31:30, Prov. 3:1-4, Proverbs 4:20-22; Proverbs 7;2,3; Proverbs 8:32,33, Prov. 10:14; I Sam. 15:22; Romans 5:8; Deuteronomy 6:5

Arthur Maxwell's 10 volumes The Bible Story Read daily in the mornings to all children Bible/Literature

Worship IN Song singing with children Music/Worship Just A Closer Walk with Thee

Skeletal system Unit study see blog Science YouTube, projects using real bones, q-tip art,music & poetry used from: Little, games. See blog for pictures

Worlds of Wonder ABeka reading course Grade 3 (Justin) Reading

Letters and Sounds 3 ABeka Phonics course (Justin) Phonics

Animals in the Outdoors ABeka reading Grade 1 (Jonathan) Reading

Language I ABeka Language course Grade 1 (Jonathan) Language

The Bandit of Ashley Downs by Dave & Neta Jackson Read daily in the mornings to all children Literature

Animal Skeletons by Judith Janda Presnall Read daily in the mornings to all children Science Literature Used with Skeletal System Unit study

Kind and Brave ABeka reading Grade 1 (Jonathan) Reading

The Skeletal System by Susan Gray read daily in the mornings to all children

Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends by Sarah, Stephen, & Grace Mally read daily in the mornings to all children Character

The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved by Ken Ham read daily in the mornings to all children Science read portions but not in entirety yet

No Longer a Nobody by Matilda Nordvedt ABeka reading Grade 2 (Justin) Reading

Letters and Sounds 1 ABeka Phonics Grade 1 (Jonathan) Reading

Arithmetic I ABeka Phonics Grade1 (Jonathan) Math

Language 3 Language 3 (Justin) Math

William's House by Ginger Howard Historical fiction read to all boys Literature/ History

Bee Notebooks (Unit Studies) Created Notebooks based on our study of bees Science

Aesop's Fables ABeka reading Grade 1 (Jonathan) Reading

DVD: City of the Bees (Moody Publishing) Bee Unit Study Science

The Chimney Sweep's Ransom by Dave & Neta Jackson read daily to all children Literature Introduces children to John Wesley

YouTube Videos regarding: Melipona bee, angel bees, robber bees, killer bees, digger bees, patchwork leafcutter bees, carpenter bees

Animal Skeletons by Judith Janda Presnall Read daily in the mornings to all children Science Literature Used with Skeletal System Unit study

Kind and Brave ABeka reading Grade 1 (Jonathan) Reading

The Skeletal System by Susan Gray read daily in the mornings to all children

Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends by Sarah, Stephen and Grace Mally

Twin Sisters Multiplication CD & book played for children Math Jonathan completed the worksheets in this book

Strong and True ABeka reading Grade 1 (Jonathan) Reader

The American Spelling Book by Noah Webster Spelling (Justin) Spelling

Spelling & Vocabulary Notebooks. Language Arts- Notebooks boys made using spelling & vocab words. Wrote stories using words Spelling/Language arts

McGuffey Readers Used with boys for reading exercises Reading Justin and Jonathan 2 &3

Hidden Treasures ABeka reading Grade 1 (Jonathan) Reading

Your story hour all boys audio Bible, biographical, historical, & character stories

Italic Writing Book C Jonathan writing

Italic Writing book E Justin writing

Field Trip: Lincoln boyhood home Parke, County, IN all boys field trips history

Field Trip: Grissom memorial Spring Mill Park Mitchell, IN all boys field trips science, history

Field Trip: Children's museum Indianapolis, IN all boys science

YouTube Videos regarding: Suspended Bridge disaster, how to make donuts, "wood" science

The Brownies at Home by Palmer Cox all boys poetry

The Bee People by Margaret Warner Morley all boys science/ bee unit study

The Blue Backed Speller list Justin

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons Ryan reading

Pig & Crow Ryan literature

Pooh Numbers Ryan literature/Math

The Complete Book of US History (McGraw Hill) all children history also drawing a time-line to correlate

In November by Cynthia Rylant all children literature

Gilberto and the Wind by Marie Hall all children literature

Jack's Best Boots: Long Ago by Ann Bixby Herold all children literature

Treasure Island Justin : Independent Reading literature

White Fang Justin : Independent Reading literature

YouTube video regarding: Peublos History

Webster's dictionary Justin: looked up vocab words and wrote definitions and stories language arts

Our America 2 ABeka reader/history Jonathan grade: 2 history reading

Salute to Courage ABeka reader Grade 4 Justin reading

Wilbur & Orville Wright: The Flight to Adventure Independent Reading: Jonathan reading/history

Jonathan Park: Destination Moon audio/science: study of astronauts & the moon science

Little Britches by Ralph Moody read to all children literature/character date finished

Science project: made glass out of sugar used from Sneaky Uses for Every day things book

Worship In Song: Oh Love that will not let me go music/worship

Bloody Horned Lizards (Gross out Defenses) by Lisa Haskins read to all boys science

Audio: The Red Badge of Courage Justin: Independent Listening literature

The Attic Christmas read to Ryan literature

Liberty Tree ABeka Reader 4th grade Justin reading

Bill Nye the Science guy YouTube: videos about insects Science

Primary Pal & Youth Companion character stories character handouts from church. Read in the morning with devotions.

Who Has Seen the Wind" by Christina Rosetti Learning together - poetry poetry

New Testament song song we learned to help memorize the books of the N.T. memory/Bible

Twin Sisters Addition Math supplemental course for Jonathan math CD/book he completed all worksheets before going on to 2ndGrade ABeka

Poetry: "The Caterpillar" all children poetry Christina Rosetti

The Character Journal:Obedience all children character

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Justin literature

Richard Scarry's Best Story Book Ever Ryan: read by Mommy literature

Poetry: "Clouds" by Christina Rosetti all children poetry

Treasure Chest Jonathan reading 2nd grade Abeka

Answers in Genesis videos all children science video clips/DVDs

Poetry: "The Bird' by Emily Dickinson all children poetry

Kidnapped all children literature

Usborne Children's Encyclopedia all children used for science studies earth, volcanoes, planets...

Poetry: "The Crocodile" by Lewis Carroll all children poetry

Les Miserables by Focus on the FAmily Justin audio/literature dramatization

Wee Sing Bible Songs all children music/Bible used during devotions to teach Books of the Bible, the names of the 12 disciples, and various other Sunday School songs

Childhood Stories of Washington and Lincoln all children history/biography ebook printed from Homeschool Freebie of the Day

Escape from Slavery audio speech: Fredrick Douglas all children history/biography audio download

The Blizzard of 1888 all children history audio

Paths of Gold Jonathan reading Abeka 2

Fruit of the Spirit Unit Study all children Bible/character printed out and assembled lapbooks. Learned memory verses from the following chapters: Matt. 22, Ex 34, Hebrews 11:1, Hab.3, Eph 4:32a, Matt. 5:5, Ps. 119, Galatians 5:22,23

"Wee Can Know Jesus" all children Bible

Copywork: "All Creatures Great and Small" Ryan writing, music copying the hymn

Poetry: "Wynken, Blynken, & Nod" by Eugene Field all children poetry

Flags Unfurled Justin reading ABeka reader 4th grade

Tor: A Street Boy of Jerusalem by Florence Morse Kingsley all children reading/literature/Bible

Field Trip: Creation Museum/Homeschool Convention all children Science

Sunshine Meadows Jonathan reading ABeka reader 2nd grade

Answers Magazine all children science random science articles from a Creation perspective

A Child's Book of Teeth by Harrison Wader Ferguson, DDS all children biology/science

Old Time Radio Shows: Flight, The Way of an Eagle all children history

The Time Book Jonathan math how to tell time

Trails to Explore Justin reading

Window on the World all children geography/anthropology using map and stickers. Praying for specific people groups and nations as we learn about them!

The First Book of Bugs by Margaret Williamson all children science/nature

Song: The Ten Commandment Song all children Bible from

New Testament 10 commandment verses all children Bible Matt 4"10, I Cor. 10:14, I Tim. 6:1

Open Skies Jonathan literature/reading

Tom Sawyer Justin reading/Lit.

The Jungle Book Justin reading/Lit

GrammarLand all children grammar

Psalm 1 all children memory verse

The Duel" all children poetry memory

Fall Is Here! I Love It! by Elaine W. Good all children leaf unit study library book

Autumn Leaves by Ken Robbins all children leaf unit study library book

Autumnblings: poems and paintings by Douglas Florian all children leaf unit study library book

Why Do Leaves Change Color by Betsy Maestro

DK's "Trees" video all children leaf unit study library video

Institute for Basic Life Principles: Character Sketches, Book 1 all children character, nature & Biblical history book

What Happens in Fall by Sara L. Latta all children Science

The Tale of Three Trees (a traditional folk tale) all children literature

Trees, Leaves, & Bark (Young Naturalist Field Guides) all children nature/science

Tell Me, Tree all children nature/science

Psalm 105:1-5 all children Bible Memory

Pilgrim's Progress ABeka Jonathan literature/reading

Lessons in Thankfulness by Barbara Rainey all children character/biographies 11/18/2010.

Luke 2:1-20 Bible Memory

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Case of the Mummified Pig and other Mysteries in Nature

We are enjoying an excellent book on the study of ecology.  From the book:

"If dead plants and animals did not decay, the elements in them would never return to the soil and air.  Eventually plants would run out of some important elements, and they would not grow.  That would be a disaster for nearly all living things."

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

We are currently learning the hymn :
"A Mighty Fortress is Our God"
Of course I was happy to find Steve Green's rendition. :-)

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Grapes Wrath

I didn't want to take the time to watch the whole film, but we watched different parts of it after reading a section in our history book about the Great Depression & The Dust Bowl. 


Monday, January 3, 2011

Timeline Characters: Lindberg & The Great Depression

We are still adding characters to our timeline.  These are a couple of the newer onese we have added.  I have quit making them draw the pictures for the time being.  It has just been so time consuming to do both the writing and drawing.  I may have them draw occasionally when we aren't up to our eyeballs in projects!

Lindberg & The Great Depression

Family Reading: The Hedge of Thorns

Wow, this has been the best character story I think we have ever read (other than the Bible itself).  Michael is reading it to the boys and I have been so looking forward to it each evening. 


"Even if the path becomes difficult, my child, and even if God chooses for you the path of suffering, the riches of Christ are a far greater reward both in this life and the life to come."

Christian History/Church History: New resource

We (I read it some days; Michael reads it some days) just started reading this to the boys.  It is great because it is a short, devotional-style reading that you do daily.  We are all learning from it!  Thanks to Mom!!!