Thursday, January 8, 2009

Creation Science

I love studying Creation Science, so I was very pleased to find the Answers in Genesis website!
They have a lot of learning resources for children, including some great videos that the kids can watch. You could literally spend several hours just studying the information they have on their site. There are a lot of neat things about animals too!

One of the videos was called "One Big Adventure: Six Short Days" which discussed the six days of creation and gave a little bit of apologetics for discussion.

Two notable things mentioned were the following:

1. Everything does not "tend to" order, but to disorder. Evolution teaches the opposite (disorder evolves to order). The example of a house of cards was given and shown that even though you build it orderly, it always falls (being a housewife, I kept thinking about how this applies to my housework ha!).

2. We are to use God's Word to interpret evidence,and not use man's opinion to interpret.

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