Friday, September 17, 2010

Grammar Can be Fun!

Ideas for learning Grammar.

Grammar can be fun! And when one has little boys, it should be made as fun as possible. That is why we are in the process of reading GrammarLand.

GrammarLand is a living book. What is a living book you ask? Well,according to Charlotte Mason (my favorite homeschooling style):

"Living books are usually written by one person who has a passion for the subject and writes in conversational or narrative style. The books pull you into the subject and involve your emotions, so it’s easy to remember the events and facts. Living books make the subject “come alive.” They can be contrasted to dry writing, like what is found in most encyclopedias or textbooks, which basically lists informational facts in summary form. You might be surprised to find that living books are available for most school subjects — even math, geography, and science"

Justin, especially begs me to read another chapter every day (did I mention we are talking about Grammar?!)

I also think little boys need fun.  Here are some great flashcards (you decide whether adjective, verb, adverb,etc)

Here are some Mad Libs:

An online game:

More printables:

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