Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Answers magazine: Alligators

Before our trip to the Creation museum, I had been wanting to subscribe to Answers magazine for the purpose of using it to teach the boys.  So when they offered me a free video and back issue for subscribing, I jumped at the offer.

I have not been disappointed.

Today, after reading an article to the boys about alligators, I was surprised to learn that they also offer video clips to go with some of the articles.

Here is the one about alligators.  I had to unlock it by typing a code, so I am not sure if this link will work.  The boys enjoyed it and learned a lot about how alligators move and eat.  It is so nice to be able to *show* the boys what we are learning about after we read.

They also have a website with activities and printables.  I will be using that as well.

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