Friday, February 27, 2009

A Fun Vocabulary Idea

I had an idea in regards to enriching the boys' vocabulary. I have been reading books that are a little "older" than their level to them.

In some of our reading, I have to stop and explain the meanings of the words we read.

Some of the books we are reading:

Genesis - King James version
Robinson Crusoe
Making Brothers & Sisters Best Friends

I started writing the words on a piece of paper that I had to explain to them, and post it on the refrigerator. My goal is to use the words in conversation all day long. It can be quite fun!

Here is today's list:

  1. multitude
  2. inherit
  3. tarry
  4. vow
  5. reluctance
  6. consulted
  7. ravenous
  8. diverse

The following is my favorite dictionary:

Webster's 1828 version (includes Bible verses to go with the words!). The original meanings of words have been changed over time (as society has moved further away from God!).

Here is the link:

A few ways I have been using the sentences:

  • Please do not be reluctant to complete your math paper."
  • "You do not have a multitude, but only a few."
  • "I know you are ravenous, but please just do that last little problem and we will eat lunch."
  • "Please tarry at the table. Do not go into the other room."
  • "If you vow to finish, you will inherit many blessings from your mother!"
  • "If you need help, please consult me."
  • "Those are diverse, but that makes life interesting."

1 comment:

Erin said...

Great idea....good way to remember the words and their meanings.