We took a nature walk today. I was pleasantly surprised that we were able to find some nice "specimens" to study.

In front of the big maple tree... getting ready to explore and collect and observe. Some of these pictures are things we looked at and talked about.
Woodpecker holes

Sitting in their home-made fort (in the back yard)

Ant holes (under a rock)



These mushrooms were growing in the mulch at the park

"Here's something, Mom"

I am hoping for them to start nature journals. They will draw and label, and any misspelled word will be practiced in their journal along with their own musings & observations.

Oh, neat! Have you made a little dish garden out of a plant and some moss and rocks and a little bit of bark for a centerpiece? Edith Schaeffer recommended doing that in one of her books, I think it was "The Hidden Art of Homemaking". I think you can still get that for $10 from vision forum, or of course, on e-bay or amazon. She had lots of good ideas like that.
Thanks, Mary, I'll have to look into that! :-)
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