Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Geography/Prayer challenge

The boys and I are so excited about our new geography study/prayer challenge!  We are using both Operation World and Window on the World books to help us pray for and learn about nations around the world.  

We really like this enormous map and the cute little star stickers we are using to place on the countries after we pray for them.  They wanted the map in their bedroom (which is appropriate since bedtime is when we do this.)

Afghanistan is the country this week.......


Mary said...

Oh, I like that, Kim!!!

southernsweetie99 said...

That's an awesome idea Kim!!!

Kim M. said...

Lisa, I got the idea from college. We had the Operation World book in my missionary course. I don't know what made me think of it, but it popped into my head that we should do it together, but to add the map and stickers as well. The boys really have enjoyed it. I hope it gives them a heart for missions. It seems to be so much better than just learning geography too.... there seems to be meaning there.
Funny thing, after I bought the books I saw the one book for sale in a home-school catalog.