Monday, July 20, 2009


Dictation is a great way to improve attentiveness, spelling, penmanship, and grammar. We are using Benjamin Franklin's quotes.

Today we used:
  • "A penny saved is a penny earned."
  • "A good conscience is a continual Christmas."


Mary said...

Those are great quotes! You are quite a teacher, Kim. Can I come to your school and learn something? I can't believe it about those bones. Ugh. That really is something. Your boys look so much alike, and it is amazing how they cooperate with you and let you teach them. Good job!

Mary said...

Isn't it nice that we have blogging to have a record of all of this! You will love looking back on this someday. Have you saved any of it on microsoft word, with the pictures and everything?

Kim M. said...

Yes Mary! That's why I started this blog in the first place.
I thought it would be great to have a pictoral record. And I already love to go back and read some of my older posts. It shows me how far we have come and also reminds me of goals I have made (unrealistic or not).

Initially it was a completely private blog because our church has a Christian school. I didn't want anyone to think I was trying to influence others to home-school. But then I thought our family & a couple of my friends would enjoy seeing what we do. So now it is semi-private.

Your suggestion to save it in Word is a good idea; I have considered printing it and putting it into a binder as well.

As for the comment about my boys always cooperating... well.. they do whine and complain sometimes just like normal kids. I have been known to make them write sentences ("I will not complain") or do extra work. That usually nips it in the bud!

southernsweetie99 said...

Looks like things are going great!!!