Friday, September 14, 2012

Local Attractions

Link for Lawrence County brochure.

I want to use some of our Fridays to take some local field trips.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 2012: First day of School

Today was our first day back to school after having a month-long break. Here are the boys after enjoying some time running around outside in the sunshine.

A few curriculum additions we have made this year are the following. I've linked the book titles to outside sources as a way to provide more information about the titles I am using:
  •   Peter Marshall's History Series.  One of the books is pictured in the red pan below.
  • Last but not least, I am just thrilled to have figured out an easy way to keep books in order.  Dishpans!  Yes, they are for Justin & Jonathan's books (Ryan uses his desk). I am simply posting about it just because I'm excited that I found something that works well for keeping books in their place.  They use the kitchen table for seat-work, and this makes it a breeze to clean up.