Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home-made rewards

Sometimes kids just need to be blessed with a little reward here and there when they work really hard on something.  Ryan needed something like that and since he loves playdough, we made some (recipe here).  Jonathan wanted to play too...

Making snakes...

I thought the snails they made were cute....

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Ten Commandments

 The boys and I are about to start a study of the Ten Commandments.  I plan to have them memorize the corresponding New Testament verses.  Brother Hight handed out those verses Sunday but I lost them.... but I did find this website and plan to use it.  My printer isn't printing for the moment so I am putting that link here:
Ten Commandments link... click here

I found a Ten Commandments song and have been teaching it to my Sunday School Class.  I am using that same song with the boys.  Justin said he was ready to start a new lapbook, so I am glad they want to do that.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Geography/Prayer challenge

The boys and I are so excited about our new geography study/prayer challenge!  We are using both Operation World and Window on the World books to help us pray for and learn about nations around the world.  

We really like this enormous map and the cute little star stickers we are using to place on the countries after we pray for them.  They wanted the map in their bedroom (which is appropriate since bedtime is when we do this.)

Afghanistan is the country this week.......

Monday, May 10, 2010

Reading to chickens

Jonathan reading to his new chick.  I hope the poor thing learned something.

Time-line Characters: The California Gold Rush & The Pony Express

Jonathan drew the little man panning for gold.

Justin used tracing paper and traced the Pony Express rider

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I am looking into getting a Greek course for the boys.  If they can learn ancient Biblical languages, I would think it would not only be a great discipline but also great preparation in case they want to study original texts.

I found this on Youtube. Too cute! I am embedding it so we can watch it several times.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Learned something new today

"A fungus which grows prolifically on cow feces and facilitates the spread of lungworm larvae by projecting them up to 10 feet when the fungal sporangia explode, as they do when they ripen."

Answers in Genesis magazine describes the little black sporangium as little cannon balls. After they explode into the grass, cows will eat them again.

It's a cycle.
More info here.