It was very fascinating because the queen bee was right on top of it, and you could see eggs and worker bees on and in it as well. Unfortunately I didn't get a good picture of it but it looked a lot like the one here----> click this link.
Because of this experience, Justin told me he wanted to do a study about bees. Great idea since this would epitomize life-integrated learning!
I decided we should do it in note-book (scrap-booking style). We hope to including copy-work, work sheets, essays, pictures, dictations, art work, and whatever else we decide to add. I have already collected a lot of resources to use throughout the upcoming weeks.
Justin said he is making TWO of them (One that is directed by me and the other to make "however he wants it".) :-)
Today we read an introduction to our unit study, and then we proceeded to create the covers and artwork for their notebooks.
They drew & cut out several pictures before a decision was made on the final product. You can click any of them to see a closer picture.
Ryan enjoys cutting and pasting. Of course he is at the perfect age for this.

Here Justin is drawing a "killer bee" for his very own "separate notebook." (you can click the picture to see his drawing up close and the copybook nearby.)

I am looking forward to seeing the final products, yet I am anticipating enjoying each moment as we learn together.