Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Case of the Mummified Pig and other Mysteries in Nature

We are enjoying an excellent book on the study of ecology.  From the book:

"If dead plants and animals did not decay, the elements in them would never return to the soil and air.  Eventually plants would run out of some important elements, and they would not grow.  That would be a disaster for nearly all living things."

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

We are currently learning the hymn :
"A Mighty Fortress is Our God"
Of course I was happy to find Steve Green's rendition. :-)

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Grapes Wrath

I didn't want to take the time to watch the whole film, but we watched different parts of it after reading a section in our history book about the Great Depression & The Dust Bowl. 


Monday, January 3, 2011

Timeline Characters: Lindberg & The Great Depression

We are still adding characters to our timeline.  These are a couple of the newer onese we have added.  I have quit making them draw the pictures for the time being.  It has just been so time consuming to do both the writing and drawing.  I may have them draw occasionally when we aren't up to our eyeballs in projects!

Lindberg & The Great Depression

Family Reading: The Hedge of Thorns

Wow, this has been the best character story I think we have ever read (other than the Bible itself).  Michael is reading it to the boys and I have been so looking forward to it each evening. 


"Even if the path becomes difficult, my child, and even if God chooses for you the path of suffering, the riches of Christ are a far greater reward both in this life and the life to come."

Christian History/Church History: New resource

We (I read it some days; Michael reads it some days) just started reading this to the boys.  It is great because it is a short, devotional-style reading that you do daily.  We are all learning from it!  Thanks to Mom!!!